Sunday, May 26, 2024

Ego boosters called "followers" on social media!

Raju Korti
There is a tantalising and deceptive undertone to the word "follower". The advent of social media and its inanities have produced this species which in simple words refers to people who chase someone's thoughts. The word "leader" is implicit in the word "follower". Followers exist because there are leaders. There is a breed on social media that arrogates to itself the status of a leader because everyone in their list is a "follower" and not a "friend".

I find it less amusing and more irritating that people who have added you to their "friend list" of their own sweet will show in their profiles as YOU who is following them. So you are a follower and not a friend because the choice of words brings this distinction to the fore. Adding someone as a friend and then showing him/her as your follower is a cheap trick to corner some self glorification. 

For the record, I do not follow anyone and I have zero interest in having such bloated egos in my fold. Follower? Really? They can keep their self-assumed importance to themselves and live lives of delusional grandeur. They are narcissists in the guise of leaders of public opinion.

Followers are the faithful minions, loyal subjects of one's digital kingdom (fiefdom if you prefer). They hang on your tweets/posts, eagerly awaiting your next 280-character stroke of genius and share it like it is the gospel truth. They are like the sidekicks in our digital superhero saga, cheering their "leaders" from the sidelines with emojis and some wisecracks.

In contrast, "friends" have almost become mythical creatures you encounter even outside the realm of social media. In a dopamine rush of notifications, they will also dislike your tweets and posts as much as they like them to keep your egos in check. On the other hand, "followers", to me, lurk in the depths of one's list , adding a touch of intrigue to someone's social media escapades.

To the self-proclaimed leaders of public opinion (euphemistically calling themselves as digital creators), followers are like Wi-Fi to their Netflix binge. They serve their purpose of validating their existence in the vast digital wilderness, reminding us that even in the age of algorithms and cat videos, there are people out there who actually care about your two cents. Or at least who care enough to hit that much sought-after blue button.

So here is a salute to faithful followers without whom the social media empire would be just a lonely desert island in the sea of cyberspace.

To all my followers, near and far
You click and tap, you like and share
Your support for me beyond compare.

Through memes and tweets we march on,
In this digital world where we all belong,
You boost my ego, make me feel grand,
With every follow(er), I fist-pump and stand.
The more in my fold, bigger my bandwagon.

From sunrise to sunset, you're always there,
Reading the rambles of my digital flight.
Through ups and downs, you remain true
My dear followers, you are my alternate ego.

So here's to you my loyal online crew,
With every click you help me renew,
My faith in the power of virtual bonds.

You compose my online journey,
make it a savoury virtual toast,
My followers, you are the ones I boast. 

PS: I do not have any followers. Just "friends".

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