Sunday, June 7, 2020

Nature as part of Conspiracy Theories syllabus

Raju Korti
Ideally, I should have written about this a couple of days before to coincide with the World Environment Day that had Biodiversity as its existential theme. While a token lip service was being paid to the cause of Nature's well being, I was exercised by reasons justified or not; that my subject wasn't being kind to my sensibilities. So here I go with a conspiracy theory.
A file grab of Cyclone Nisarg

I do appreciate that human actions, including deforestation, encroachment of wildlife habitats, intensified agriculture and acceleration of climate change have pushed the Nature beyond its limits. It would take more than 1.5 Earths to meet the demands of the humans make of Nature each year. To relate with the current theme, if this degeneration continues, biodiversity loss will have untold implications for humanity, including the collapse of food and health systems.

While human greed has triggered this gradual but confirmed abyss of Nature, the latter has now turned villain to the former's hero. As part of the international Disaster Management team involved in advancing urban resilience through science and innovation, I can vouch for the Nature shedding its superficial benign skin to emerge as an anti-hero.

The 2020 has cast Nature in an ominous role that should qualify for a lifetime achievement award. Its machinations have resulted in disasters whose magnitude and gravity keeps getting more and more intense. Is this degradation irreversible even if all possible actions are taken to correct the historic wrongs mankind has unleashed on the Nature? I think not because the Nature after all its contemplation has resigned to the fact that the situation is beyond redemption and now it is payback time. Do not mistake the conspiracy behind its reprisal.

The country has been hit by two severe cyclones within a fortnight of each other. First Cyclone Amphan ripped Bengal apart followed by Cyclone Nisarg devastating Maharashtra in quick succession. If you thought these two were aberrations, you now have the prospect of another one building up, this time Orissa at the likely receiving end. This is unusual in spite of the argument that cyclones are usual at this time of the year. In the encumbered times of a highly contagious and baffling pandemic, this retribution by the Nature seems to have taken a back seat. That, however, is not all. Mark my words. You will see cyclones hitting the Mumbai coast just before the onset of monsoon every year. 

The swarm of locusts that have invaded the vast swathes of land in the country since April is perhaps the most far-reaching in the sense that it could result in massive food shortage. If that wasn't enough, another invasion is expected within a few weeks. Nature and its ancillaries are wreaking havoc from the sidelines while the pandemic is at the epicenter of public attention. Worst, there is no solution to any of these.

My understanding of Climate Physics tells me that the country in its present rot needs to be restored at least to the environmental status obtaining in the early sixties. Those who have lived that phase will bear me out. There is no quickfire cure for our environmental problems beyond salvaging Nature, which is always going to be a long-drawn process given the extent of ruin caused and the utter lack of application and appreciation towards its far-reaching consequences. In the tussle between Nature and Development, expediency always wins it for the latter.

Three cyclones, one after the other, a deadly and persisting pandemic, two back-to-back calamitous pest attacks and the omnipresent threats of flooding, gas/radiation leaks, Tsunamis, Earth-quakes, Droughts, cyclones/tornadoes/hurricanes have been spinning a web of disaster. The prophets of doom have inconsequential conspiracy theories to think of than what Nature has in store. In the human ego, man-made conspiracies have more sale-ability than those by the Nature. That perhaps explains why this has not occurred to any of those who in their presumptuous wisdom enjoy wicked delight in spinning conspiracy stories.

Conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because they think it is the exclusive domain of sinister and powerful individuals and groups. The Nature is right on course to include itself in their syllabus. As for me, the gratification is being probably the first to introduce Nature in that curriculum if it means patting my own back. Happy I have a snout that can smell a conspiracy where there really is one. 

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